Ah...the weekend that was. Three Whole Days of weeding, and mulching, and (plant) shopping, and (plant) planting, and (picture) snapping, and (garden) gazing (the peonies this year are early, tall, and gorgeous), all under temperate skies—not too hot, not too cold, not too sunny, not too rainy. Heavenly!
Or so it would be, but for the strange syndrome that affects me after extended periods of silence in the garden: the uninvited earworm, summoned by the merest and feeblest association with a plant name:
Roz - anne
You don't have to put on the red light
Roz - anne
You don't have to put on the red light
Last summer, growing tomatoes, it was:
Cherokee Pur - ple
Cherokee Tri - ibe
So proud to live,
So proud to dieeeeeee
And, judging from the self-sown seedlings showing up in the back border, later this summer it'll be:
Love - cle-o-me
Won't you please, please help me?