Oh, how I wish the common mullein (Verbascum thapsus) were more common in my garden. I've heard that our subdivision (developed in the '70s) sits on land originally planted to pasture, so the woolly rosettes of farm weed mullein will show up once every few years or so, most often in the inconvenient path of the power mower.
But we have a gift this season: a flowering mullein that has sat itself down right next to a five-alarm fire red Lychnis chalcedonia (with many aliases, including the better known "Maltese cross," or my favored, "Burning Love"...a hunk of, hunk of burning love...aahh). The mullein's just begun to flower with a yellow whose clarity is outdoing that of the Carolina lupine and even the short, medium, and tall Oenothera around the garden. It's a sight to see. Come back soon.