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June 25, 2007



I think that showed up in our front flowerbed once. I didn't know what it was, but it was amazingly big, for a "volunteer."

Annie in Austin

I was pretty sure the rose in the photo was 'Graham Thomas', an old favorite. The two plants do go well together.

Mullein also popped up in my IL yard, and I let it grow but don't think it returned. We were amazed at the huge stands along the railroad tracks when we took a train to the West Coast... that plant is tough!

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

Jeanne in Charlotte, NC

I noticed one site said another name for mellein was "golden rod". Since golden rod (ragweed) is abudant here in the south, it does not look like your picture at all. Any ideas on this?


Thanks for sharing this valuable information.
The photos are really excellent

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