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August 27, 2006



Bradley Raines in Guiding Light must have been before my time. I rarely watch it now, but back in the day (late 80's, early 90's), that was my favorite soap. Once Roger Thorpe was gone, I don't think it will ever be the same.

M Sinclair Stevens

Morticia was among my first role models along with Nancy Drew (doesn't count for this list because not TV) and Marlo Thomas as "That Girl!" I also wanted to be Angelique from the original Dark Shadows.

What great choices. Columbo. Malcolm Reynolds. (Really. It's coming out on HD?)

I can't think of anyone to add except Special Agent Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks) and Veronica Mars. And Spock. Or going way back, Perry Mason.

Annie in Austin

I so love Bryan Cranston in the roller episode of Malcom - we were just talking about it because he is in the new movie 'Little Miss Sunshine' as a character very different from Hal.

Annie [first favorite show was Annie Oakley played by Gail Davis, way, way back]

Patricia Tryon

Pretty good, although I do think it was unfortunate to omit Perry Mason, Della Street, Hyacinth Bucket, Inspector Morse, Hamish MacBeth (but not that b!tch who played Priscilla!), Fitz Fitzgerald (Robbie Coltrane in Cracker), Saffron on Ab Fab, Sister Wendy, Peter Boyd and Grace Foley (Waking the Dead), Hetty Wainthropp (Patricia Routledge; yes, she was Hyacinth, too), Jonathan Creek and Maddy, and um um um *guilty pleasure* about anyone on Boston Legal, except that new chick -- not too sure about her. But, in general, the Beeb is most likely to seduce me into the vast wasteland...

FLower Girl

Its very good....now im watching it less but previously...i watch alot...Anyways the Beeb is most likely to seduce me into the vast wasteland...
Thanks for the post....




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