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June 23, 2006



That was absolutely delightful. I sat here at my computer in England completely entranced whilst listening to you play. Did you deliberately make the little popping noise at the end - that was hilarious. Fantastic, bravo!Encore, encore!

Patricia Tryon

That was really lovely.

Congratulations on staying with it for a whole year and for your accomplishment. Stay with it and please give us more, more.



Debussey always makes me think of water tumbling over rocks, cliffs, settling into still pools, then tumbling on to the sea. Did you learn to play after only one year of lessons? I was just tinkling on my son beautiful,abandoned piano today. He's a teen now and no longer interested (after 5 years of lessons!) I was just thinking today that I should take lessons myself. Then whilst visiting garden blogs, I found you. I chose yours from I long list at Amy Stewart's blog because I too am rather bookish, I probably read more about gardening than I will probably ever do in a lifetime! Your recording reminds me of the 78's I play on my old handcrank player. It was a joy to find your piano piece. I'll let you know if you've actually inspired me to take lessons.


Wow. You can really move those fingers!

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