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May 16, 2006



You go girl!
I had them at our last house, a bequest of the previous owner. Now I am back to a pack of sees myself.


Seeds, I mean. :-)


The first time I came across Oriental poppy foliage, I thought it was a weed, too. But I don't know if I'd re-route the steps for a plant--but I might postpone the steps long enough to get seeds from the poppy, to replant someplace else. You're supposed to be able to move them when they go dormant, but good luck getting the root out of a crack like that.

But don't you love how plants can surprise you?

Hanna in Cleveland, Oh

Hehe... Isn't it funny how plants will defy our efforts to grow them and then just pop up where ever they please?

Patricia Tryon

Henry Mitchell was one of God's greatest gifts to the gardening world, right up there with any yellow rose underplanted with linum perenne, but... but on the point of oriental poppies requiring so much space to thrive, I think differently. My theory is that where Mitchell gardened is so damn humid that his poppies, not preferring hot and dry as much as requiring it, would have needed that much extra air space just to avoid suffocation.

Just IMHO, of course: YMMV and all other caveats.

Greenhouse Girl

‘Earth laughs in flowers’

I think you’re garden must have a cunning plan ... it obviously didn’t want new steps in the same place as you ..


Good heavens -- I can't get rid of mine. I've dug the bed out twice, removing soil to a depth of two feet, and STILL they come back. Very resilient plants they are -- in my garden, at least!

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