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January 09, 2006



I always find your comments to be thoughtful, with just the right amount of useful information, observation, both lyrical and whimsical.

Hope you get some sunshine. It does wonders for the mind. As a gardener, the thing I hate the most about winter is not being outside, working the soil.


I know how you feel. We did have a sunny day here in Ohio yesterday, though.


I recommend a cup of tea, some gardening catalogs, and some upbeat background music--something contagiously snappy like "I Will Survive" or "Its Raining Men." That'll get your juices flowing...

Be well! Rachel

Mike Z

I read the other day that Seattle finally ended at 29-straight-day rainy streak.

It is good to know that we can all take comfort knowing that somewhere, somehow, things are worse than they are here.


Actually, I think not writing in wintertime, for a gardener, makes sense, particularly if gardening works as a muse. Dormancy is something that has to happen, and is a good thing.

But I still miss you and your writings. Hope your winter is going well, and that spring, imagined or real, beckons you outside to your spot of paradise.


You can look at plant catalogs.

maplestory mesos

Actually, I think not writing in wintertime, for a gardener, makes sense, particularly if gardening works as a muse. Dormancy is something that has to happen, and is a good thing..

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