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October 02, 2005



Congratulations on the blog anniversary. I live on the other side of the world, have no career but home and yet we can meet through a love of the arts and gardening and that's wonderful. I look forward to the coming year's blogging!


Congratulations, Chan. It was a good thing for me when you took the plunge. Did you get the clippings I sent you? (I am becoming my mother; she is always doing that.)


Congratulations, Chan. Your blog is a mental tea break. I'm glad you're here.
Many happy returns!


Yay, Chan! Still enjoying your blog. And is it a mere coincidence that Graham Greene's birthday is the same as your blogaversary? Hmmm....


Happy blogday to you. Keep at it, please!


Congratulations, Chan! We're almost blog-twins.


hello from mexico city...

it's a privilege to read a blog like yours. Honestly speaking, I have learnt a lot read it...

Patricia Tryon

Happy birthday to yew,
Happy birthday to yew,
Happy birthday, dear Cha-an,
Happy birthday to yew.
(And many moooooooore!)

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