"With Bach, every note counts." So our 12-year-old and I say to each other, as she draws ready her bow to practice "March in G" (that is, the Suzuki Cello School volume 2 version of it) and I prepare to play along on the piano. (We'd heard those words of wisdom last Friday as we sat in the audience for Angela Hewitt's masterclass at the UW School of Music.) She begins the piece stately and measured, swoops in dramatically at the "hook", and brings it in for a smooth landing. I lift my hands dramatically to release the final chords all at once (another performance tip from the masterclass), then clap wildly. She grins. "I love Bach."
In the car, she wants to hear The Shins' "Saint Simon" again and again. I consider this a personal triumph: a 12-year-old getting recommendations for 21st century popular music from her (as of tomorrow) 46-year-old mother. She wants to know how I know about The Shins; I say, "Oh, I heard about them from a cool mom."
At the end of one Friday night's channel surfing (800 channels and nothing on), we settle on a cable digital music audio channel, which is playing an aria from a Handel opera. Our 8-year-old son comes over and snuggles next to me. "I like that beautiful music, Mom."
Our 6-year-old practices her beginning piano chords. Starting with C major, she plays the notes painstakingly (C-E-G-E-C), then carefully arranges her fingers for the chord. She works her way through her repertoire: G major and A minor, and now D minor, added for this week's homework. I sit next to her on the piano bench to watch, waiting to get to our duet of "Cowboy Joe". She practices the D minor (D-F-A-F-D; chord). She looks at me and says: "I think that is the saddest one."
Happy birthday in a few more hours!
Posted by: Sarah | October 07, 2005 at 10:32 PM
The groove is in the hearth... that's Dee-liteful.
Posted by: Amy | October 09, 2005 at 11:52 AM
What a terrific title for such a lovely post. I don't play an instrument, but not much in this world gives me as much pleasure as sharing the music I love with my little boy.
Posted by: terrilynn | October 09, 2005 at 12:21 PM
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Posted by: Chan S. | October 09, 2005 at 08:12 PM