The lone success from my morning-glory seed-sowing this season: Ipomoea tricolor 'Flying Saucers'. ('Heavenly Blue' and 'Grandpa Ott' are a-mouldering in their graves underneath the stork-leg stemmed kiss-me-over-the-garden-gates that they were intended to adorn.) Flying Saucers has a huge bloom, and, on the overcast day on which this photo was taken, stayed open until less than a hour before sunset, taking on a purple hue as its edges curled in.
Do you know, the rat-bastard deer have been chomping on the clematis I'm trying to get going on the front fence of my perennial garden. Reading your post suddenly made me wonder if I should give up the whole business and go with morning glory instead. Any thoughts on where they come in on the deers' snack list?
Posted by: Robert the Llama Butcher | September 09, 2005 at 09:54 AM
I would like to be very small and take a nap in that flower.
Posted by: Amy | September 10, 2005 at 10:08 AM
Robert - Ugh, deer! I try to temper my rabbit-griping with the knowledge that it could be so much worse. I have seen morning glories on some deer-resistant lists (although all such lists should be taken with a grain of salt, so to speak). Certainly no downside in trying it out, since morning glories can grow very full and beautiful in short order (unless you're me trying to grow them, apparently) from seed.
Amy - I think 'Flying Saucers' would take you to the moon.
Posted by: Chan S. | September 12, 2005 at 08:41 AM