The garden is setting off new blooms these days as fast and furious as the finale of a fireworks show. I can't keep up! Lots of new things have come into flower since my last "newly blooming" post-end postscript (not quite fifty-seven of them, but close):
Eryngium (blue sea holly); Phlox paniculata (white with purple eye, lavender, and 'David'); Cosmos bipinnatus (white, self-sown); Asclepias incarnata (pink milkweed); Lysimachia ciliata (bronzed-leaved fringed loosestrife); Veronica spicata 'White Icicle' and 'Red Fox'; Platycodon grandiflora (balloon flower); Hemerocallis ('Elegant Candy' and a half-dozen others); Delphinium grandiflorum 'Blue Butterfly' (Chinese dwarf delphinium); Salvia officinalis (common sage); a perennial catchfly (Silene), I think, with phlox-like heads of recurved, highly scented white-pink flowerets; Achillea millefolium rubra (red yarrow); Allium sphaerocephalum (drumstick allium); Papaver somniferum (a frilly lettuce poppy); Calendula officinalis (three different pot marigolds); Cleome hasslerana (white spiderflower, self-sown); Verbena bonariensis (Brazilian verbena, self-sown, did it ever); Clarkia ameona (Farewell-to-spring); Vernonia (ironweed); pink orienpet lily; yellow asiatic lily; Alcea rosea (pink, salmon, and white hollyhocks); Coreopsis tinctoria (calliopsis in yellow/bronze and burnt red, self-sown); Malope trifida; hostas ('Sagae', 'Blue Cadet', and others); Astilbe x rosea 'Peach Blossom'; Agastache x 'Desert Sunrise' (hybrid hummingbird mint); Petunia integrifolia; Wave Petunia (white); Foeniculum officinale (fennel); Agastache foeniculum (anise hyssop); Gaura lindheimeri (pink wand flower); Eupatorium fistulosum (hollow-stemmed Joe-Pye weed).
But perhaps a picture's worth a thousand lists.
What an absolute picture your garden is. This was a picture well worth popping-up!
Posted by: Jude | July 07, 2005 at 08:24 AM
Absolutely beautiful!
Posted by: | July 08, 2005 at 07:38 AM
Thank you, thank you!
Posted by: Chan S. | July 12, 2005 at 11:00 PM
Very nice garden, I like when everything in the colors and the more the better is what you dream
Posted by: download cd | April 16, 2009 at 06:06 AM