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June 08, 2005


Mia Goff

Very very pretty rose. I've often been tempted to plan David Austin roses, but in Zone 4 that is not a good idea. I'm not prepared to treat them as annuals, as one nursery person suggested to me.

Love the narrative too - your posts are always interesting.


My roses are all abloom now. The DA roses make up most of my collection.

Many of mine were hurt badly over the winter, the result, I think, of a particularly warm February followed by a particularly cold March.

Alas, I am already starting to see blackspot, one of the plagues of growing roses in Indy's warm, humid climate. The other, or course, are the nasty green tinted japanese beetles.

Chan S.

Mia, thank you! I was pleasantly surprised at how well this one weathered the winter. The rest of the David Austins didn't fare so well, but their new canes are doing a pretty good job of making up for lost time.

Don, your garden must be a wondrous sight. I love the DAEs. (Let's not dwell too much on (out, out) blackspot and the heinous Japanese beetles.)

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