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May 04, 2005



There is nothing more exhilirating than watching a seed turn to something green for your garden. We are still having hard frosts as well (zone 5a) so I have only set out the lettuces and poppies. I am going to plant the vegetable garden this year by the moon calendar, or at least make an effort to do so. Have you read up on this? Fascinating stuff!

Chan S.

Avril - We're zone 5a too. I'm seeing fingernail sized growth from the lettuces I planted a month ago, and the peas are ramping up (a couple of inches at this point). I'm intrigued by the concept of planting by the moon, but am so much of a procrastinator in the garden that I know I would always miss the golden window that the calendar recommends. Let me know how your moon calendar planting goes!

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