The Mahler was awesome.
(Backstory: Madison Symphony's final concert of the season was Mahler's Eighth Symphony, long sold out. I didn't even entertain the thought of trying to beg, borrow, cadge or steal a ticket in order to be able to go. But then a phone call, Friday morning: "Wanna go see Mahler?" A colleague of my husband had a ticket and an unexpected schedule conflict, and remembered that my husband had a music nut in the household. As he handed the ticket to me, my husband asked, hopefully, "Are you going to blog this?" "Get your own blog!" I answered, disdainfully.
The concert was this afternoon. "Das Unbeschreibliche hier ist's getan.")
In other news, another May snow in Madison:
Newly blooming: Viburnum x juddii and Primula juliae 'Wanda'.
Update, May 2: And more snow.
Photo credit: John Roll