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May 17, 2005



So, was what you got the Spring Greenhouse Share? Did it have rhubarb in it? How did you use that?

Chan S.

Yes, I got the Spring Greenhouse Share...but no rhubarb. Guess what? I've never eaten rhubarb, but I hope to cross that threshold someday.


I loved this issue's article, Chan. You are a talented and amusing writer. Ramps are a big deal around these western North Carolina mountains. Despite their fabulous taste (they show up on the most sophisticated of local upscale restaurants' menus), their annual appearance seems to be more about old traditions than anything else. Looking forward to the next 'Saucy' installment!

Chan S.

Avril, thank you for your generous words. Mmmm, ramps...I'm now a full-fledged fan!

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