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May 05, 2005



What a way to while away a day... wonderful!


I was happy to stumble upon that beautiful multimedia site. Watched it again last night with my youngest daughter. We loved how it really made you look carefully at the pictures, appreciating the birds and Audubon's artful ways. Thanks for the link to humble. :)

Chan S.

Thanks, Trix. Yes, a chunk of my day was whiled away too, but who's complaining?

Thank you, Amy, for that great find. I found myself back at the site again also, and my 8-year-old son was drawn in to look at it too (he has been an Audubon fan from the time he was in kindergarten). I've especially enjoyed some of the musical excerpts included on the site (the CD with Daniel Taylor's Buxtehude lament went straight onto my wish list.)

discovery editions

I hope you'll enjoy the images, video and text at www.DiscoveryEditions.com/Audubon. You might be interested, too, in those at www.DiscoveryEditions.com/Redoute, where Redoute's original watercolors are featured.

botanical art

lol you do need high speed for this site. I was introduced to this site from a friend who had dial up and you talk about frustrating. I had to bring him over to my place just so he could appreciate the site fully,

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