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April 28, 2005



i'd have to agree with you about the ubiquity of poetry, and the surprise findings of excellence on certain blogs. unpublished authors can build an audience based at least partly on merit now, instead of relying on the luck of formal publication... anyway, incase you have any gardening posts, i'll link to them here:
have a great sunday.

Chan S.

Thanks, Dr. Charles! My tomato seedlings are not quite ready for the spotlight yet, but I'll keep you...posted. Cheers.


I have found words on blogs that have touched my soul like Keats, Shelley, Wordsworth, and Bronte...modern day spinners of yarn on a electronic medium, which is all too ephemeral. I love reading blogs, and I wish I was teaching writing again so I could get the students to read some of the blogs and to encourage them to write free-form themselves.

I enjoy your site immensely, even if I don't always post.

Happy Spring! Rachel

Chan S.

Right back atcha, Rachel. I hope that you will have the occasion to teach writing again--your students will be as inspired by your writing as are your readers.


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