Wollemia nobilis, or the Wollemi Pine, is a tree species from the Jurassic period, presumed extinct until discovered by a park ranger in the Blue Mountains of Australia in 1994. After a decade of study, cultivation and propagation in an undisclosed location, specimens of the Wollemi Pine will be made available for sale to the public later this year, with the royalties from sales funding the plants' conservation. (How much? That seems to be undisclosed also. Hope it's not an "if you have to ask, you can't afford it" deal.) The promoters say the Wollemi Pine will adapt well to indoor conditions, growing slowly and keeping its color in low light. With its rich green foliage and bark like "bubbly chocolate", this would be a most intriguing houseplant...I think I want one! (But I hope its chances of survival under my roof are better than the Norfolk pine, also in the Araucaria family, several specimens of which have been rendered extinct under my care.) The official Wollemi Pine site is here, with facts, FAQs and photos. Many thanks to reader Ann Moore for the news and the links.
"Slow growing", indeed. I hope so - the sight of those mature trees makes one think twice about taking on one of these pines in a clay pot.
Posted by: Suzette | February 08, 2005 at 08:59 AM
It does sound like the roots are pretty vigorous...I'm imagining the rootball busting out of a clay pot like the Incredible Hulk out of his shirtsleeves.
Posted by: Chan S. | February 11, 2005 at 10:08 PM