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November 06, 2004


M Stevens

Criterion has a great double DVD release with "The Story of Floating Weeds" and Ozu's own remake "Floating Weeds". I can never decide which Ozu I like best, so I just watch them over and over. The one I tend to share most with non-Japanophiles is "Good Morning".

If you like Ozu, check out Koreeda. I think my favorite movie of all time is his "After Life" (which knocked "Wings of Desire" out of the top spot). But probably the film he will be more remembered for is "Maborosi" (Roger Ebert has a great review of it). I'm anxiously awaiting for an US release of his latest "Nobody Knows" which was nominated for a Golden Palm at Cannes, and won in the Best Actor category.

Chan S.

Thanks for the suggestions! I'm not familiar with Koreeda at all, so I look forward to seeing some of his work for the first time. And three cheers for the Criterion releases.

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