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October 30, 2004


Lynn S

I have a pink cosmos blooming. The first bloom all year. In the last week of October!

I have a few other flowers still blooming - marigolds, dianthus, Mexican zinnias, lantana, moonflower, even a few roses. It's been very warm here.


I believe that the centaura is one of plants called "dusty miller."

Patricia Tryon

Ohmigosh, that is the loveliest thing. What a beautiful bouquet. I am so happy that you posted this photo.

Sunday, the camera (a Sony Mavica 350 -- LEARN from my mistakes, people!) ate my end of garden year photos. Sunday night, our temps plummeted to 14 F. So no end of year photos from me, but that composition is completely splendid. Thank you. I don't feel so bad for losing my photos now that I can nip over and look at yours.

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