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October 10, 2004



In my experience blue flax starts in spring, about when the main tulip season starts, and peters out when the heat of summer hits. I can't ever remember it reblooming in fall, as say, Johnny-jump-ups do. It is gorgeous, though--just not ever-blooming.

Chan S.

That's good to know--not surprising that the blooming habit would be different with the perennial flax than the annual scarlet flax. I almost wonder whether the scarlet flax was unusually long-blooming this year (just like the sweet peas, which never stopped) because of the unusually cool summer...I kept expecting it to poop out mid-summer and it just kept going on and on and on, much to my delight.

Lynn S

Ah, plans.... I actually follow through on about one 10th to one 4th of my plans. I did plant some reblooming irises today in my problem bed.

Chan S.

1/10 to 1/4 followthrough? Your batting average beats mine! Cheers.

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