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September 07, 2004



Who gave you permission? Or, did you presume permission? Both questions being beside the point, because you don't need permission. Since you are not only author but publisher of this blog, you can go "off-topic" as often as you want. You don't live your life as categories, it's an integrated whole, and as an admittedly nosy person I like reading about all of it.

Chan S.

Glad you liked my one and only "meet cute" story (and with a happy ending, to boot). Maybe I'll find myself getting more comfortable with going off-topic more often. I did seek and receive my husband's permission (I wouldn't go so far as to call it "blessing") to post on this, which I thought was only fair since he was the other party involved...but at least I did tell his side of the story too!

Patricia Tryon

Sweet. Very sweet. A big bouquet of my Mystery Rose (without the thorns) to you both.

Chan S.

And lovely they are! Thank you, Patricia.

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