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September 28, 2004


Patricia Tryon

Just beautiful. As the Telegraph mentioned recently, these guys can be s-l-o-w to settle in, but once ya got'em, ya got'em. I like plants with that habit: the latter, not the former :-)

Chan S.

Thanks, Patricia! That's good news, 'cause I want'em, I want'em.


Anemones always make me think of France and 10th grade French class and looking at books of Impressionism. Now everytime I see them I think of Renoir and others who painted them. http://www.artprints-on-demand.co.uk/noframes/renoir/anemones.htm Yours are beautiful!

Chan S.

Thanks, Avril! Anemones are my favorite daisy-shaped flower, with cosmos running a close second. Thanks for the link to the Renoir...what a great painting.

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