My intermittent insomnia seems to have returned of late. I can blame a multilayered to-do list (I visualize it as a combination of Möbius strip and infinity symbol) which, of course, is so much more efficient to tackle while lying awake in the middle of the night. And I suppose that it doesn't help that I love the java jive, and it loves me. But I'll be fighting fire with fire (or coffee bean with herb), and plucking off a pound or two of hops blossoms from my Humulus lupulus 'Bianca' to stuff into a pillow for soporific effect...let's hope the herbalists are right about this one.
So there I was, watching a rerun of the series finale of The Office at zero-dark-thirty hours the other night. I'm a big fan of this show, but it's not one you can leave innocently on in the living room with children wandering in and out, so I hadn't yet seen this episode. Now, this quiz claims that I'm Jennifer Taylor Clarke, but I believe my gender skews the result; really, Tim Canterbury, c'est moi. (As an aside, although I'm just a bit nervous about the planned screen adaptation of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, I'm more than comfortable with the casting of Martin Freeman, who plays Tim, as Arthur Dent. I like Sam "Rudimentary Lathe" Rockwell, but I'm not sure I'm feeling him as Zaphod Beeblebrox. And I'm really torn about Malkovich—great, great actor (and the one true Ripley), but signed on to play a new character not in the book? As I said, I'm a little nervous.) But back to The Office. [Readers note: spoilers follow.]
I thought the finale was perfect, tying up loose ends in a way that left all the characters in a perfect state of torment. (Except for Gareth, of course, who gets promoted, but only to provide the Ted Baxteresque lesson about life being really, really unfair.) My favorite moment, of course, is Tim going back to his desk, clipping the mike back on, and telling us "she said no, by the way". Beautiful loser. But what's this? The post-finale special, which has already aired in the UK, has Tim and Dawn getting together in the end? No no no no no no no. We can't have happiness at Wernham Hogg! When it airs here next month, I'll be watching with arms crossed and jaw clenched...hope I don't lose any sleep over it.