All my fault, of course. What was I thinking, throwing the family's snowsuits in the wash and it's not even June? Good thing I didn't put the windowboxes with the petunias and coleus out this weekend, eh?
Yes, Chan, what were you thinking, packing away the snowsuits like that? Actually, as soon as I saw the photo, I dashed over to to see when it was going to hit us. But for the next week it appears it will be mild. So where did that cold weather go after it left you?
Well, looking at the radar, it looks like it's gone south to Illinois, but I'd wager it's rain there, not snow. The snow blew out of here about an hour after the photo was taken, and it got warm(er) and sunny enough later to make it almost a nice spring day.
Yes, Chan, what were you thinking, packing away the snowsuits like that? Actually, as soon as I saw the photo, I dashed over to to see when it was going to hit us. But for the next week it appears it will be mild. So where did that cold weather go after it left you?
Posted by: Kathy | May 02, 2004 at 02:38 PM
Well, looking at the radar, it looks like it's gone south to Illinois, but I'd wager it's rain there, not snow. The snow blew out of here about an hour after the photo was taken, and it got warm(er) and sunny enough later to make it almost a nice spring day.
Posted by: Chan S. | May 02, 2004 at 05:44 PM
we had snow last week down here in Asheville....I have learned to keep at least a heavy sweater out!
Posted by: avril | May 02, 2004 at 10:51 PM
Just chilly weather in Indy, giving me a little more time on some of my cool weather work.
Posted by: Don | May 03, 2004 at 12:18 PM