No time to digest Eats, Shoots & Leaves? Not even that little book by William Strunk and Mr. Katharine White? Then spend just a minute with Miss English. She appears to be a very close friend of Lorraine Feather, whose (w-h-o-s-e, not w-h-o-'-s) new CD, "Such Sweet Thunder," just can't get here soon enough. (I heard the track "The 101" for the first time today—with Feather-penned vocalese set to Sir Duke's "Suburbanite"—and I am hooked.)
I'm assuming your reference to E.B. White means you have read "Two Gardeners: A Friendship in Letters" about Katherine S. White and Elizabeth Lawrence (whom I love, love, love and who was also a native of North Carolina). If not, pick it up right away. It's a good "pick up and read whenever" book.
Posted by: avril | May 20, 2004 at 10:15 PM
Oh yes--I love "Two Gardeners". It's beautiful and poignant. (Garden writing in which the flow--and ebb--of life are fully revealed is the most appealing to me.) The only other Elizabeth Lawrence I've read is "Gardening for Love". But I'm eager for more--your recommendations?
Posted by: Chan S. | May 21, 2004 at 06:15 AM