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May 30, 2004



I think this is like the one I was stealing from the neighbor's yard~the fragrance was intoxicating!


Oh, how beautiful it is. Peonies are
my favorite flower and I too love the bud
just as much as the full bloom.

Robert the Llama Butcher

Very nice indeed. And I see from the other buds that you will have plenty more flowers from this one this year. BTW, I know exactly what you mean about how nice the bud is before it blooms full scale.

BTW, I'm confused - is "da bomb" out now?


oh yes, Robert the Llama Butcher, hopelessly out....but who's really keeping track?

Chan S.

Woo-hoo--(I'm pretty sure they still say that these days)--a peony lovers' party! Thanks for all the compliments. Yes, my daughter confirms the sad news about the expression "da bomb"...something tells me that watching those three-year-old reruns of Lizzie McGuire to try to keep up with the young folks isn't going to work for me for much longer.

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