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March 06, 2004



Square Foot Gardening is a wonderful book, one of my favorite of that type. Great advice for vegetable gardens. The rest I am unfamiliar with, but I will have on my list to check out now.:)


Have you gone to Amazon and looked up Adams' other books? Guerrilla Gardening and Two Plus Two equals Minus Seven are what's in my library's system, so that's what I'm going to start with. Putting any writer in company with Henry Mitchell is high praise indeed, but the reviews in amazon don't agree with your assessment of that book. All the more reason to check it out for myself.

Bookish Gardener

I'm very interested in tracking down some of his other writing. It'll be interesting to see if it's of the same caliber. In the meantime, I'm really enjoying The Epicurean Gardener. Since I can't post all of the excerpts that "bang the gong" for me without running afoul of copyright "fair use" rules, I've had to subject my poor hubby to a lot of read alouds.


I am new myself to gardening and already I have found a thing or two that I can use...


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