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January 12, 2004



I love that catalog, too. Those seedling photos alone are worth their weight in gold. Anyone who doesn't have their seed catalog should know that the photos are on their website, too.


I will hunt the Wildseed Farms catalog and have it sent to me. I like the Park Seeds catalog too. I am resigned, I think, to container gardens this year as we may be moving soon. Well, within months.


Yes, they do have a nice catalog. I've ordered several of their mixes as gifts in the past. And they also give nice tours at their facility near Fredricksburg Texas.

A similar catalog that you might like is put out by Native American Seeds in nearby Junction Texas. http://www.seedsource.com


Yes, they do have a nice catalog. I've ordered several of their mixes as gifts in the past. And they also give nice tours at their facility near Fredricksburg Texas.

A similar catalog that you might like is put out by Native American Seeds in nearby Junction Texas. http://www.seedsource.com


visited the Frericksburg site several years ago and in a rush of optimism, bought their northeast mix - planted it in a just cleared weedy meadow. Followed their clear and simple instructions. WOW! Gorgeous! Have tried mixes before but never had much luck with them. This selection was lovely, easy to grow, bloomed all season, and came back last year too. Have just place - and quickly received - a large order from them this year as I plan the gardens for my daughter's August wedding. HIGHLY recommended - and info in catalogue also gives very good tips on successful wildflower gardening.

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